Bruno Angel 2021-05-07T10:24:55+00:00

Bruno Ángel

Surf lover and passionate about Law.
Graduated in Law (from the University of Vigo), with a Master Degree in
Business Legal Advice (from the Instituto de Empresa, in Madrid), he is Lawyer
(since 2006) specialized in Administrative Law, having developed his
professional career in Law Firms of great national and international relevance
(such as Garrigues, PwC and Deloitte), currently being the partner in charge of
New Legal Project, NLP Abogados.
Since he was a child, his great passion has been surfing. The encounter
between nature, sport and the friendship that unites surf lovers is a key value
that must be maintained and defended at all levels, which has led him to
collaborate with the Surf and Nature Alliance for legal defense of the
conservation of breakers and their ecosystem.